<aside> 💡 Some great examples of how we are spreading the word.


👨🏼‍💻 R-Shiny conference 2023

One again Michael was a keynote speaker at the global R-Shiny conference. We are happy to learn that we are truly pioneering the use of R-Shiny in production.


👨🏼‍💻 R-Shiny conference 2022

The global R-Shiny conference is the place where the world’s top R-Developer meet to present their projects realized with R programming language. We’re proud and happy that ODAPES iamongng this global elite of the R-Community. The fact that after only 2 years of R&D, we’re already a shining example of the power of R-Shiny Technology is a prove that we’re on the right track.

Michael was presenting ODAPES to > 2500 people along with the top Cracks like Joe Cheng (RStudio) or Filip Stachura (Appsylon).



See the Entire Video here:


🚜 Agrishow